I am a wife, a mother, a daughter,a grandaughter, a sister, a friend...I've learned it is better to create happiness than pursue it. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Having a Sister is like having a best friend for life

Today is my Sister's birthday.........she is the peanut butter to my jelly, the sweet to my tart, the fruity to my pebbles.  She is my forever friend.  She knows all my secrets and still loves me, she yells at me when I need to hear it.  She encourages me when I am down. She is an amazing mother, sister, friend, and wife. Sometimes all I have to do is look at her and she knows exactly what I am thinking.
 She is the one person who shares ALL of my childhood memories. She tortured my Barbies, and I would crinkle her blankets on her bed just to drive her crazy.  Her side of the room was always sparkling clean and  mine was side was always a mess and covered in Ricky Schroeder, Menudo and Kirk Cameron
She knows all my embarrasing moments. She was there when Mike Mccormick broke my heart, when my parents got divorced, when I married the love of my life, and when my son was born,
 she is badass
she gets me even when I don't get myself
Thank you for not only being my sister but my best friend
Happy Birthday Little Sister
Love you~

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost~

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana!

Today is my Mom's birthday so as soon as Jake got home from school we called her....

He LOVES his Nana and Grandpa....here he is telling Nana about the house for sale behind us that he wants them to move into. 
It was 85 degrees today and the Evans family thought they were going to melt!! I don't know what the humidity was but I am sure it was horrible...it was sooo muggy. I am NOT complaining by any means especially since it was snowing today in Anchorage.
What do you do on a day when you think your family is going to melt? Go get ice cream that's what.  After getting ice cream we headed up to Jake and Anna's to ride four wheelers.
 We decided to head up to Burger King to get the boys some dinner and let me tell you ....they started off on the wrong foot...acting like a bunch of crazies....

but they turned it around and behaved like little gentlemen. Seriously are these even the same children we came with?

They thought they were the coolest cats ever because they got to sit at their own table. 
I was a little homesick today especially since it is my Mom's birhday today and my Sister's and Nephew's tomorrow but all in all in was a great day

We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.

Friday, September 24, 2010

snips snails and puppy dog tails .....

Poor Frank just can't catch a break....his ear was super infected and he had to go to the er....now all his antibiotics are gone and his ear is still hurting so I made him an appt with an ENT doctor for this afternoon. It was so sunny and gorgeous that when I got Jake off the bus we decided to go for a walk while we waited for Frank to get home. I L-O-V-E our neighborhood...it reminds me of Wysteria Lane from desperate housewives...minus the murders and backstabbing ;0)

Jacob rode his scooter

He is becoming so patient with me and my picture taking.......

this pic was all his idea....he has no fear and it scares me to death

while I do miss my friends and family in Alaska... I am soo happy to be living here.....I loooooove the sunshine

After we got home it was time for homework...In the meantime Frank got home from the Dr. who was disgusted with the ER and the antibiotics they put him on....so he is now on round 2 ....hopefully these will work better.

 Frank calls me the homework gestapo...... can I tell you that homework is ALWAYS a fight....he would rather be playing outside with his friends. He is 100 % boy and wants NOTHING to do with any form of homework unless its Science. They are studying bugs and he is fascinated by creepy crawlies. Someday he will thank me....I hope....which reminds me...THANKS MOM for making me do my homework~

    While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

If you are HAPPY and you know it.....

Today Frank and Jacob went to the computer store to see if someone could fix our computer.....it went on vacay awhile ago AND apparently is not coming back anytime soon.Thank goodness for Jake who is letting us use his extra tower or I would be going loco without the internet....but anyways...when they came home they had brought a surprise for Mommy
I seriously wish this picture was a scratch and sniff....Happy smells sooooo delish...It is my absolute FAVE perfume ever. I LOVE surprises and the fact that these two knuckleheads thought it all up on their own is a blessing in its own~I was sooo excited! When I thanked Frank and Jacob ...Frank said "you really deserve it honey!" WHAT??? you mean he doesn't REALLY think there are little elves that pick up after him and our child. I saw the clouds seperate and a little ray of sunshine shine thru while the angels sang! I love my boys!!
This is my new sparkly Iphone cover I just ordered...adorable right?? It came super quick too! I hope the one I ordered for my sister gets to her just as quickly.
I was going thru some pictures and found some really cute pics that I thought I would just throw in ...

This is Jake...he's one of the best friends you could ever ask for...but whatever you do DON'T play skipbo with him cuz he is the biggest cheater.TRUE STORY

This is Anna...Jake's Fiance'....if it wasn't for her it would be me and ALL boys!!! Thank you Lord for Anna and that SHE doesn't cheat in skipbo

This is Chad....I adore him....I wish I had a pic of his wife Jess....the two of them are so much fun......whenever we hang out my side literally hurts from laughing so much...and standing up eating the chips is Mr. McCheater Pants

I LOOOOVE this pic of Frank....he would kill me if he knew I was putting this pic up...I think its cute and funny just like him

All that I am after is a life full of laughter as long as I'm laughing with you

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Caleb's Birthday

Today was Caleb's Birthday party so we headed up to Jake and Anna's for the celebration! Caleb got a new bow and arrow from his parents and Jacob and Caleb had to BEST time shooting at the target
Jacob has never shot a bow and arrow before so Caleb showed him how it's done.....it was the sweetest thing ever.
He was concentrating SOOOO hard

Bullseye!!! ok....not really...but he was close~
Happy Birthday Caleb!!!

Always the comedian

This pic makes me want to cry....are they cutest boys you have ever seen? How many people do you know  have been best friends with each other since birth?We call them the triple threat OR the three stooges depending on their behavior ;0) 

Remember when life just didn't get any better than your birthday?

Caleb Mcgoo and his awesome new bike

Matt can TEAR it up on this bike....he rocks it like no other kid I have EVER seen

Jacob would ride his four wheeler everyday ALL day if we let him....
It was an awesome day....BBQ, cake, fourwheeling, bow and arrows, and lots of family....we are blessed to have been a part of it

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The many faces of Jacob

I have been obsessed with taking pictures lately.....I blame Megan Starr for this.....she takes the most amazing pictures and makes it look so easy...which of course it's NOT! I literally have to bribe Jacob anymore to let me take his picture
He has a birthday party to go to today for his friend Alaura and this is the outfit he chose to wear.  He calls this his "fancy" shirt...I have NO idea where that came from........the kid cracks me up
I had to agree to let him take some goofy pictures too!

this is Jake and his best friend Santos....these two are inseperable and ALWAYS up to shenanagins....notice the way too big orange shirt that he insisted on putting on under his fancy shirt. He said the Ladies love it when you where a shirt under your fancy shirt....the Ladies?? really Jacob??? you are in second grade!!
Teresa Santos and Jacob....you would not believe the torture this sweet girl has to put up with from these boys....

Friends are the sunshine of life

Friday, September 17, 2010

My very first blog!

Today I decided I was going to start a blog....being that I live so far away from all my family, I thought it would be a great way for everyone to see what's going on in my crazy life. I am super excited about this and hope that everyone will enjoy this as much as I know I will.  Today it rained and rained....I looooove the rain...especially now that I live in Washington and actually get a REAL summer. We lived in Ketchikan until I started junior high and it RAINS there ALL the time. The rain reminds me of my happy childhood. So today Frank and I decided we were all going to PLAY in the rain....

So we put Jacob in some some playclothes and out the door we went....

Jake had the most AMAZING time playing in the water

I think he was wondering if we had lost our minds

the huge splashes this boy made were crazzzzy

all the little kids from across the street were watching from the window and giggling their little hearts out

the smile on his face is just priceless

Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain