I am a wife, a mother, a daughter,a grandaughter, a sister, a friend...I've learned it is better to create happiness than pursue it. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

My Mom and Tom came and suprised Jacob at school.  It was so sweet when he came out to the truck they jumped out and yelled suprise! He was sooooo shocked and happy he started to cry~

so even though we were never allowed to celebrate Halloween as kids, my Mom has now decided that she LOVES decorating for it.....

I don't know who had more fun, My Mom, Frank, or Jacob....me and Tom just loved the candy

this is from the SECOND trip to Big Lots!!!! I LOVE MY PARENTS!!!

My Mom and Jake playing superhero squad crazy eights

Grandpa and Jacob fixing his tire for his bike
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.  Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children

Monday, October 25, 2010

Martha Stewart better watchout now

I saw an episode of Martha Stewart where she makes glitter pumpkins and Lord knows why I thought I could pull it off.  The Woman seriously makes everything look sooo darn easy.  I swear it was right out of an episode of I Love Lucy except Anna was Ethel and I was Lucy. How hard can it be you ask....paint some glue on the pumpkin and pour glitter right? noooooot a chance...first of all Anna got a bright idea to just pour the glue on the pumpkin thinking it would be easier and faster... and the glue bottle EXPLODED all over. In the meantime the boys are painting their pumpkins and had paint from head to toe.......it was PURE mayhem. Poor Anna is going to be sweeping glitter off her floor for weeks

1 pumpkin, 1 bottle of glue, 2 bottles of glitter, 300 paper towels, 6 rolls of aluminum foil, 3 pairs of earmuffs to shield the boys from Mommy and Aunties potty mouth, and 6 aspirin=goooood timesssssss...remind me of this the next time I get over ambitous with the crafting ....

Jake and his pumpkin



Jacob and Matt made a game up called camera tag.....whoever is it has the camera and has to try to catch the other person and take a pic......I thought it was genius ;0)

I love this pic of Matt.....he throws his hands in front of his face so no one will know it was him

Frank and Jake cheat on skipbo EVERYTIME....then act totally put out when we call them out on it....seriously at one point Jake had FIVE skipbos in his hand and was offended that we didn't believe that was what he was dealt.....

they may be cheaters....but we love them~

You can like the life you are living, 
 you can live the life you like

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Sandlot

Jacob, Santos, and Damon play on this lot by our house....it reminds me of the movie Sandlot. It is so cute...they play baseball, tag, and cops and robbers from the time they get home from school until it gets dark. I don't know what they are going to do with someone builds a house there

On Friday night Santos and Gil came and stayed the night. We made banana splits and watched scarey movies on Disney. 

I downloaded some really cools photo apps from itunes. My fave is hipstamatic...you can change lenses and film it's so much fun!

Today was Cindy's Birthday....our families have been friends for as long as I can remember so we headed to PeEll to join the birthday celebration

Me and Buffy

Buffy, Cindy, Krissy and Mikey........It was soo nice to see them and spend some time with their families.....Happy Birthday Cindy!

We took the long way home instead of the freeway.  I have been obsessed with taking pictures of old barns and farms lately....and I found THE most amazing ones to take pictures of today

I played around with the hipstamatic camera on my iphone

I made Frank stop in the middle of the road for this pic....I L-O-V-E it.....but I forgot how nice people from the country are.....I swear 5 people stopped to ask if we were ok and if we needed help

Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

flashlight hide and seek,school pictures and fall fest

We played flashlight hide and seek with the boys up at Jake and Anna's and it was THE funnest time~Whoever is seeking gets a flashlight....and everyone else hides. The seeker then has to find everyone but all he/she has to do is shine the flashlight on the hider and they are out! We kinda made up the rules as we went along!! The boys had so much fun!
Jacob is sooo happy that he found me!!!

This is Jake hiding in the bushes....everytime he went to hide all three boys wanted to hide with him....he didn't stand a chance
Caleb, Jake, and yours truly

Picutre Day! Isn't he the cutest?

of course he had to wear his "fancy"shirt
Today Columbia Heights Assembly had a fall fest with jumpy houses,hot dogs, pony rides,paint ball, hay rides, pinates, and TONS of games and candy. I hadn't planned on being there the whole day but Jake was having such a great time and was being so well behaved that the time just flew by.

he loved the hay ride so much he went TWICE

When you are a 7 year old boy happiness is being the one to break the pinate'. It was so funny...people were screaming and yelling from the sidelines.

who doesn't love plinko....I wanted to play this...I L-O-V-E-D The Price Is Right as a child.....which should have been a clue to my parents that I would have a shopping addiction. I was 8 years old yelling at the tv "$600 for the washer!"

It's not very often that it is just the two of us.He's at that age when it's not cool to kiss and hug on Mom...so it was really sweet when he kept holding my hand. I am off to watch How To Train Your Dragon...what a great way to end Mommy and Jacob Day. I am so blessed to have him as a son!!

Live the life you want