I am a wife, a mother, a daughter,a grandaughter, a sister, a friend...I've learned it is better to create happiness than pursue it. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Thursday, February 24, 2011

You are my Sunshine.....my only SUNSHINNEEEEE

Today as I was making Jacob breakfast I started singing at the TOP of my lungs..."You are my Sunshine....my only Sunshine....you make me happpyyyyyyy when skies are blue grey or any other way" This is a song I have sang to Jacob since I was pregnant with him. It's our song....I sing it to him almost on a daily basis. Lately he rolls his eyes when I sing it to him....but still it doesn't stop me ;0) and for some unkown reason I can't just sing part of the song...I HAVE to finish every line...call me crazy if you must...it still won't stop me. Anyways back to the story ....I get to the "you'll never know Deaaaaar how much I loooooove you" and he says "yes I do" very quietly, I stop singing and ask him "What Buddy?" he says "Yes! I do!!....know how much you love me!!" My heart melted.....I just might have this Mommy thing down....for today anyways....I kiss his face off.....and then go back to finishing my song....

We love playing games at our house....so when Frank bought us these GInormous playing cards, Jacob and I were so excited to play our favorite game "speed"~I have to admit~I got schooled by a 7 year old

We have been having the BEST time with Jacob in basketball.....he love love loves it! and I love that it teaches him about being a team player and never giving up.

I HAD to make a Jacobs Mom sweatshirt....I am so sad that this Saturday is our last game BUT baseball tryouts are this weekend so stay tuned....

We found this cute coffee shop called Lava Java that made THE cutes Lattes....and they tasted DElicous!!!

I started a new job as a Domestic Violence Advocate at the Emergency Support Shelter
I LOVE IT!!! I feel like other than being a Mommy THIS is what I was meant to do...it's very rewarding and I am sooo thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such a great organization. Jacob on the other hand has not been so thrilled to have to share his Mommy with anyone. The last three weeks I have been training and having kinda random hours, I think he will adjust better when we are on a regular schedule.

IT SNOWED....and ALL of southern Washington has CLOSED down. I am not joking.....everyone is freaking out~school is closed~they had an EMERGENCY BROADCAST~yes you read that right!!! an emergency broadcast for people to be careful and not drive on the roads....the news did a 20 min segment on the dangers of the snow! REALLY???? call me an Alaska girl but can you SEE the road behind Santos and Jacob in this pic...Rookies!!

I got a some peakaboo highlights! L-O-V-E them AND Celeste who did them!

My nephew Elijah is AMAZING!!!! He got first place in his wrestling match!! he has showed sooo much determination, endurance and integrity~I am so proud of you Elijah!!

My Niece Ivy made the National Honor Society!!!! She is sweet, thoughtful, loving, smart, and as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside!! Good Job IVY!!!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful

Thursday, February 3, 2011

25 things you don't know about me

inspired by Us magazine I decided to post 25 things you don't know about me
  1. Although I lived in Alaska my whole life (until last year) I have only been skiing once~WORST experience ever
  2. As a child I was obsessed with Miss Piggy~a chubby chic who dresses fabulous and is protective of her man~how could you NOT love her
  3. I am a hypochondriac~ok maybe you know this about me already~I actually got up in the middle of the night to google meningitis(last night) because I heard someone in our town just passed away from it
  4. This is a part II to number 3~After my Son was born I used to call the nurse help line soooo much that they knew me by name
  5. Even though I grew up in Southeast Alaska~I don't like seafood of any kind.....
  6. My husband and I actually went to the same high school and were at some places at the same time but never knew each other
  7. I am a closet bookworm~as a child I loved anything Beverly Cleary and Junie B. Jones
  8. It bothers me when my chonies and bra don't match
  9. I have three Dads~ Robert made me~ John raised me~ and for reasons that only God knows Tom chose me (really he chose my Mom but this is all about me)
  10. Everything taste better in this cup~My Stepdad Tom bought it for me when they came to visit~I am not sure if it's the cup or the fact that Tom bought it for me because he knew I wanted one ~but either way it's true
  11. My dream jobs are a dj on the radio or a private investigator~judge if you must
  12. I wish I could speak Spanish
  13. My favorite childhood memories are at the docks in Ketchikan playing in the water with my sister while my Dad worked on our boat the "Smurfette" yeah my parents let us name it~ I know! what else do you expect from an 6 and a 9 year old~Smurfette rocked
  14. I never eat the last bite of a sandwich~but I don't know why
  15. I have a weird fascination of sharks~so does my sister~we used to go to the video store and rent national geographic's series on sharks
  16. I had chicken pox twice once as a child and once as an adult
  17. my favorite flower is a tulip
  18. I can't stand anything cherry flavored it reminds me of cough syrup
  19. I love the smell of grapefruits it reminds me of my Nana's backyard~she had a grapefruit tree
  20. I make potato soup whenever I miss my Mom
  21. my first car was a yellow fiat~I paid for half of it myself
  22. my first job was answering phones at the church
  23. my second job was at Little Caeser's Pizza~it was how I paid for the fiat
  24. I am obsessed with board games
  25. I talk to my Sister on the phone at least every other day