I am a wife, a mother, a daughter,a grandaughter, a sister, a friend...I've learned it is better to create happiness than pursue it. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas and New Year

Things have been so crazy with the holidays, I haven't been able to take the time to sit and update my blog....I have been taking so many pictures it was really hard to pick just a few to sum up the holidays.

Santa brought Jacob the Paper Jams that he has been wanting....

and Nana and Grandpa bought him a psp and some rocking pj's.....

Tom Elijah Zion and Jacob all had these matching pjs......I literally had to peel them off of him...he wants to wear them EVERY NIGHT.....

the psp was his favorite present....of course because Nana and Grandpa bought it for him

Christmas Day we went up to Chris' house and Anna and I played games with the girls and Christopher

Sophia, Lindsey and Ashley.....I have known these girls since they were little....

aren't they just gorgeous? and they are as pretty on the inside as the outside

Brandon and Jacob......Jacob thinks Brandon is THE coolest guy ever...and Brandon is sooo sweet and patient with him

The Mayeda Kids
Sophia, Lindsey,Ashley, and Christopher

Linds and Rusty

New Years Eve we went down to Long Beach......it was clam digging season...wait??? is THERE a clam digging season? I think I made that up.......it was really just an excuse for me to buy cute rain boots that I didn't get wet.....and to wear a cute hat

I loooove this lighthouse...
and this chapel

I can't wait to come back here in the summer and take some summer shots



I know every mother thinks her child is the cutest most handsome kid ever........

but mine really is....

everytime we go to Jake's parents property the boys play on this tree......

I love this picture....and this boy

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~

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