I am a wife, a mother, a daughter,a grandaughter, a sister, a friend...I've learned it is better to create happiness than pursue it. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

Saturday, March 5, 2011


20 years ago today my cousin Rudy was murdered. He was young, funny, intellegent, protective, sweet, kind, artistic, talented, but more than all these things he was loved. I cry for him today...for all the things he has missed out on...... for his daughter who will never know him....for his mother whose heart will always have a void...for his brother who will never be the same.  And selfishly I cry for me.....I miss him~ I should just be thankful for the time he lived with us in Alaska when we were teenagers. I should be grateful for the fact that he loved me like a sister, and smile as I remember all the times we spent together laughing but I don't...I cry....and I get mad and think about all the things I should have done, or should have said ...I wish the last time I saw him I said more....hugged him one more time...told him I loved him one more time..but sadly we cannot change the past. Thru the tears I start to remember our time together.....singing at the top of our lungs....him tormenting me as I played the piano. video taping everything we did, and years later after he was gone, watching it and realizing that he brushed his hair with my little sister's toothbrush ( I don't care who you are THAT is funny) It makes me giggle a little and I smile. As I get up from the computer desk I look outside and this is what I see
the most vibrant and colorful rainbow I have ever seen in my life.....a coincidence??? I think not

Rudy Granados

 His death leaves a heartache that no one can heal, but his love leaves a memory no one can steal

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